Thursday, 27 November 2008


I have quite a large number of channelled information and messages from the divine, I will continue to post them onto my current journal as time moves on.

Wednesday, 26 November 2008



When I first began my journey I did not know what I had let myself in for, my God what a state of affairs. Prophets come and go by being murdered, dying in exile and so on and what were, or are they doing? giving their life to God for the sake of the people, and if they are different to others they get all kinds of abuse from so called spiritual people, and others of course, and most of the time many spiritual people do not know what the word means.

They pray to God so profoundly asking for this that and the other and when God sends the messages in reply, and because the answer comes and it is not to their liking they place their hand upon the prophets head with all kinds of abuse.

Many years have passed us by and humanity continues to kill maim and debauch on all different levels by word or, and deed. The prayers continue year after year and and so does the violence as it grows in intensity, and as people are being born many follow the rest like deaf and blind sheep complaining over and over again asking "Is God deaf", "has he Gone to sleep" "why does he let this take place", I read it as it is being written and hear it said over and over again as it is being said, and multitudes of those asking do not even know that the answers lie much if not most of the time within themselves, they do not even know that, that which is inside of themselves has a great influence upon their very own God, and also that which they call the devil, whether it is good bad or indifferent.

Look at how I have been verbally abused on this journal in one instant, look at how the anger lies within persons who are at the same time claiming to be Godly when the anger displays itself as devilishly. People need to keep their religion their faith in God but look inside of themselves first and put right every pinch of darkness no matter upon what level it resides inside of themselves. Look at their religion and understand the love of God and of humanity and see the difference. As we all know God is love in ourselves and all around us in all people, this is where God resides, but he also resides in the place people call heaven which in reality is the place known as the Etheric world, that which encapsulates us even if we cannot feel it see it or smell it, but many of us can and it's from within this place and within themselves/ourselves that the God of love resides and so does the entity which people claim is the devil/devilish.

This closeness has a great influence upon us and us upon it, and God and the devil, like I say it's closer to us than is our skin. Also within this place are those who are looked upon as being bad spirits, and if you think about it these bad spirits once lived amongst us as people like ourselves, why? because they were people just like ourselves and I wager each and everyone who is reading this and those who are not know or knew someone who was this way when they lived here.

When we die or pass over we take all this with us in the soul the mind, because that's what the soul is the mind, the light behind the eyes, that light which changes to light and dark when, and as the mood takes us, and when the body dies this is when the light goes out because it leaves the body and is instantly within the ether all around us, that place we call heaven, and from within that place we are judged whether I am believed or not. this is so because God told me so.

Some people when they arrive there take that which is given and change to the better and live a good life there, some change before they go which is preferential, or should I say better for the persons concerned. Some souls when they arrive there, they will not change at all and find themselves wandering the walls of darkness and stay there until they change their mind.

I know people of other religions are not going to believe any of this, now I am not going to argue with any one simply because I do not want to even if they want to, I know for a fact that they will find out the truth when they get there no matter what. People go with that which you have been taught by ancients by all means the choice is yours but one day hopefully some will awaken from false hopes and dare I say it, the manipulated state which they have found themselves in.

Remember the devil can work with a person as quickly as the person can loose their temper and display their hatred and anger just a quick , why? well just look at where he/she lives. But remember as everyone know it's a difficult life, because when some people display their God side they can at the same time display their devil side in an instant. It becomes difficult more so when a person is trying to display their God side and the other person wants to display their devil side and cause an argument, a fight or even wants to kill someone. I can tell you, but you already know don't you, sometimes the devil side of a person is stronger in them than is the God side is in the other and the devil side for the time being will win.

I will continue with this later God willing.



About ten years ago as God was taking me on my walk through the dark side of humanity he placed many obstacles before me which caused me great pain both physically and mentally. Such pain I even wished he would take my life as he cleansed my soul so that he could have me at the place he wanted me to be. Over the years he continued to inform me that the place he was taking me too was to be his Prophet, this I never discussed with anyone other than my wife who was in fact informed directly by God himself of this. But now it can be seen that I have announced this to the world because God informed me that the time was right.

God gave to me many messages over the years, many which would cause distress amongst Christians. and of course most others. In one message which he dictated to me and I wrote it as he did so which informed me that he was sick and tired of being ignored, he sent his prophets over the ages with guidance and commands but only those who were true to him took any notice.

He did this through the Old and New testament, and through the preacher in the Church, but the people were not prepared to make personal sacrifices which would raise their spirituality onto the level he desired for them. They proved this by crucifying his beloved son Jesus, and even then he did, and does continue to give the people the freewill enabling them to enrich their lives by growing spiritually, yet again to no avail, therefore he gave to me the message within the booklet The Faith Of The Most Divine Spirit as a precursor.

That which is to follow will take those who should have listened to him in this age, but did not and do not, on a walk through their own dark side, this will be displayed before them in many different ways.

He came to me many years ago and said. If I am continually ignored in the future I will take away the people's free will and will take them on this walk, this is explained in the booklet I posted earlier, and now as I look around me I can see this taking place.



People all over the world are aware that something highly spiritual is about to raise it's head but they do not know what it is. They can feel it's energy, it's power as it encapsulates their very being, and as time passes by they can and will feel it becoming stronger and stronger, they have many theories as to what it is or what it might be. Christians will believe it's the second coming of Jesus, others will believe it is their saviour of their religion.

They discuss this expectation to people a great amount of the time, is it God? is it this? is it that?, even in prayer they ask these questions, is it the end of the world, Armageddon?.They ask, will it be flood, famine, disease, will it be wonderful or will it be bad?, will it be the Antichrist or the devil, but most important of all will it be God? and the answer is it will be and is God, that energy which is encapsulating the people's very soul is The Faith Of The Most Divine Spirit making it's presence felt.

People will find that they will be and are at this time being gradually lead to understand what is transpiring as I slowly introduce to them the religion he has prepared for them and it will be unlike anything they have ever experienced in their life.

Why and who am I to make such a statement. I have been informing the people of this over the last fifteen to twenty years incognito but not until recently have I been allowed by God to come out into the open and inform the people I am, Given name Kenneth Foster also known as zebity Gods chosen Prophet. Some people will think I am a bigot or even crazy to make such a statement, not so and this can be proven to be the truth, and God or his spirit messengers will prove to anyone who takes the trouble to ask that I speak the truth.



God came to me several years ago and answered me this question. "Dear God is their such a thing as a universal book of knowledge?,

REPLY "There is no such thing as a universal book of knowledge, as a book, but each individual human being is a page of knowledge on what ever level it lends itself to. Those who have passed over and continue to live on in the world of spirit are also pages of knowledge, therefore in a way there is a book of knowledge but the truth of the matter is, it's a mind book not one of the physical."



Just last night I asked God where am I going next? what am I going to write? and he said omega which means = The ending or last of a series, therefore we will just have to wait and see.

"It is the fire of degeneration which is ravaging the soul of humanity, the killing on mass and of the individual, the defilement of the mind and body of a child and adult committed by another adult or even a child. What else have I to say to bring humanity onto a level of community so that they can live in some sense of close love and harmony, not only in community but within oneself? how can I achieve this whilst those who are some of the very people who are committing such in one instant and then asking me in prayer to save the world in the next?.

Does humanity not want to have it's cake and eat it at the same time? yes is the simple answer, then what are they to do when they defile the being of one person, complain to the powers to be and then commit at sometime the same or something similar upon another themselves. What do the people want me to do so that I can cleanse their soul but as they would like it to be without sufferance.

Tell me, if someone desires the piece of land you live and stand upon but it is yours would you freely give it to them and then would they not enslave you or even destroy you, yes is the truth, but if you ran out of space and had the desire to take that which is theirs would you not do the same? yes, then when you pray to me how would I come unto the people and cleanse their soul, how could I come in answer to theirs and your prayers and do this?.

I know the answer but the people will not like it because they believe in an all loving entity that would not harm them which does not exist, but I exist and it is I who hears their prayers and demands, hopes wishes and dreams, all of the good which is within them, but at the same time I hear all of these also, of dark desires and lurid thoughts and fantasies which they would like to turn and often do into foul deeds.

Then how can I take these away from one and not the other without them suffering? If a parent takes away from it's young child it's candy then would the child not suffer? yes it would, then if I took away the lurid thoughts and desires which can and very often turn into deeds from a parent or an adult would they not suffer also? need I answer?. Then this is how I will cleanse the soul.

I have partaken in the process of soul cleansing with love tenderness and many more, but after a while the soul begins to be tarnished again and even darkened, but now I come unto the people and will not be so generous, fore I will now cleanse the soul with and without the request, but after the deed is done the sufferance will diminish, but there will be a reminder if the soul finds it way back into darkness."

I am quite taken aback by this message from the voice of the collective, the God which oversees this Earth, but I should not be because I have had the experience of having my free will taken away and returned to a certain degree, but having had the experience even though I have no lurid, criminal intent thoughts or desires I had my soul cleansed so that I could attain the level god desired for me so that I would be accepted by him to carry out this work.

Personally I would not look upon this message as scaremongering or religious faith bashing but simply a message from God. Because to have one's soul cleansed can only be a good thing, well it was and is for me.Gods blessing always. Take the rough with the smooth and save the human race from self destruction but one has to begin with oneself.



At last God makes it clear as to what he wants for the sake of the people. To have the righteous be more so as to be a role model for the rest. This I have known for years but I ask "why has he gone the long way around from A to Z instead of telling the people what he wants of them directly?.

As I have walked this road I knew God would upset the people by informing them like wise "I want the righteous people to be more so by coming to I AM directly or through their own religion", many I believe thought I personally was pointing my finger at them and was accusing them of all sorts of things, more so when God mentioned the dark side of the righteous people. Yes he has a strange way of getting his message across to the people of his chosing and this time around he has used me and others in my case.

So what's wrong with the righteous people when God wants them to be more so as to be a role model for the rest. What's wrong with being a role model by the hand of God? in fact I believe they should be greatfull and dare I say it honoured to be chosen by he for this most important job ever?.

God has informed the people this time around through myself (and no doubt many others) over the past eighteen years or so as to what he wants for them and from them but just a little bit at a time, why I ask myself just a little bit at a time? has he done this so that the people will understand what is happening to them when he takes over fully by Direct Divine Intervention, sort of preparing them for their journey of soul cleansing so that they can be as he wants them to be without interference from others? looks like it to me.

Well I have this to say, I believe this is so, then people open your heart and mind to God as he wants you to do and do not fight him even if, or I should say when he comes unto you and takes you down a roadway which may take you deeper into your own religion and then takes you away from it, or maybe does not. Do not look upon God as a religious figure or being, he is a Spiritual being, spiritual being the forefront of his existence and he wants the people to grasp this within their heart and mind, their very soul, yes their nucleus which = Basic constituents of chemicals. That which we are made up of, and this is that which he is most concerned about, our physical being and our driving force within which is the human spirit, that which belongs to him, yes to God and that's how the human spirit is divine, because it belongs to him, it is divine too, of and for he from he, and this is so before anything else even religion.

Gods spirituality for the people is the first and foremost concern with and within him no matter what other events, interests and anything else man and woman does decree upon man.

And now God has began and will continue to let this be known through the spirit, yes the nucleus of man and woman, all Human Kind individually, thus those in power, those who decree unto humanity will also experience the same as those they decree over and this shall be implemented by Gods desires as he requires them to be.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008




Why do human beings have a dark side?.

ANSWER, One word was forthcoming which was "Inherent" Which = existing as an inseparable part, Intrinsic, (the thesaurus gives a greater breakdown), Insoluble = Solved = to find the explanation for or solution to a mystery, problem.


Why do humans have a light side?.



Hence, by this question being answered by silence as many other questions have it simply implies that both questions have the same answer. Implying that the light and dark side within humanity is inherent all on different levels. Whether it’s by thought only or thought, and then by word and deed because of the thought.

Well it looks as if we are stuck with it because human beings on the whole do not have the ability to be rid of their dark side without the help of God, and this I have proven for myself because of observing others and by my own personal situation which tells me there will always be dark and light in all of us. Even when God takes us in hand at our request and takes us onto a journey into the light through the faith he has compiled for us there will always be that bit of darkness just waiting to expose itself in one way or another.

At the beginning of our journey if we slide backwards as he takes us forward he will certainly let us know as he pushes us more so into the light, and when he has us at the place he wants us to be then it is our responsibility to continue putting into practice that which he has taught us.

As we do so when he reminds us that we are falling backwards things will start to go wrong and we have to sit back and think deeply about what we are doing which has caused God to remind us in that way, and when the penny drops and we take the necessary steps which will take us back on track then things will go right, until the next time we fall down and the cycle will begin again.

Monday, 17 November 2008



When people give their interpretation of many of Gods messages how confusing for others is this and even for those who will give their own interpretation. Some will argue “It means this as I interpret this scripture ECT” then someone else will argue “well I interpret it this way and I am right and you are wrong” well how can this be, maybe they are both right and both have a different perspective, or maybe they are both wrong, but because God said it he must be right, of course he will be right because this is the way he works. THROUGH PARADOXES. Someone else who does not believe in God or does believe in a differently recognise God will come up with a different antidote, so the task is try to realise Gods methodology is often as complex are the minds of the people as a collective of souls on the whole as he caters for every individual upon the earth.

Reject nothing he says, throw nothing away because your mind is just as complex as Gods is more so, but he knows how to give a different answer to the same question each person asks for their sake and maybe not yours. It all depends upon ones own individual intellect, understanding and acceptance, and need as God sees it, and just for those who argue, “no one needs to be intellectual to believe in God or understand God” I know this but no one said they had to be only maybe thine self out of sour grapes” and I have come across many of these as I bring to the people Gods messages as did Jesus, but in a different way. Appertaining to the era he lived in and of that which we live in.

Just remember this no matter what one thinks or believes we all know God does not change but as each generation is borne upon this earth he the nucleus does have to accommodate everyone whether they believe in him or not, and no matter who they are and what they are this has been and will continue to be done. So people need to get rid of their prejudices on all levels and keep the door into their mind open.


All of the information I put onto this journal has been channelled to myself, over the past twenty years or so.

Sunday, 16 November 2008



So what is a scapegoat?. 1 : a goat upon whose head are symbolically placed the sins of the people after which he is sent into the wilderness in the biblical ceremony for Yom Kippur

2 a : one that bears the blame for others b : one that is the object of irrational hostility.

So who was a human scapegoat two thousand years ago and continues to be so today.?



“My son Jesus attempted to carry everyone’s cross upon his shoulders, now they shall carry their own.”

Yes the divine said this to me, even though some people will for certain ignore this and talk about it as if it is not true, the simplest way to find out is wait and see.

Just remember God does not change but people do and very often God may want them to go into a different direction even if the people or person does not want to.

Remember the innocent will suffer because of the guilty as they always do, but I am certain that many who believe they are righteous beyond reproach and are so, then the Most Divine will simply want them to go into a different direction, because he may have them in mind for something they are not in the least bit aware of, and it might be something beyond their wildest expectations which may give them much joy. Therefore do not look upon this message as doom and gloom and full of darkness but of light and love because of who you are and what you are.


Just about two or three years ago while I lay awake in bed, it was about one or two o clock in the morning I became aware of a spiritual presence, I turned onto by back and saw a woman standing at the bottom of my bed and in front of the wardrobe, about six feet or so away from me and slightly to the left, she had her back towards me, I sat up and looked at her, she must have sensed me because she half turned and looked towards me. (My bedroom it well lit by the street lights).

She was dressed in a trouser suit pearl in colour, the top came down to her hips and it looked as if it had just been ironed, there wasn’t a crease anywhere, she looked me straight in the eye and her expression was as if she thought herself aloof of me, I acknowledged her by smiling and waving my hand and she responded, sort of smiled, I was amazed as we shared the experience, after s few seconds when I got over my surprise I again waved to her and said hello, she smiled again at me, then gradually turned her back toward me and dissipated.

I then went into the kitchen and made myself a coffee, as I was doing so I was asking myself “who was she and what did she want,” then when my coffee was ready I turned the kitchen light off and went back to bed, as I sat up in bed drinking my coffee I had placed into my mind “Mary just Mary” so obviously I took it she was using the name Mary.

I thought about this for a while and said to myself “I wonder who she was and where did she come from, and what did she want”.

Another thought was placed into my mind which was just one word “ECHELON” later that day after looking this up in the dictionary I discovered that she represented a tear of the HIERARCHY, the upper echelon of a hierarchical system in eternity, an arrangement according to relative importance or inclusiveness. Whom I communicate with much of my time.

Therefore after many such encounters before this one and afterwards I have gained a great amount of information and expertise from the Most Divine Spirit some of which I have been guided to share with you.So try to accept that there is a government of spiritual beings ruling the place people call heaven/eternity. 15/9/08 included here on this date.

Thursday, 13 November 2008



Which many people will look upon as a religion is and will be The Faith of The Most Divine Spirit but this will come to many people through their own religion which I deem it to be an Honour to have this take place, thus there will also be a continuation within the faith of ones own religion. Purely and simply it is the God that already resides inside all people.

And as this takes place God will continue to have the people go the way he wants them to, if they are not already doing so he will have them change direction through their own religion/mind and this may be rather uncomfortable for them some more so some less so, the changes of direction may hardly be noticeable to some people but there again it all depends upon ones own spirituality within themselves of which many people display unto others.

But on the other hand the changes within others could be very noticeable to the point of disillusionment of which I cannot explain simply because I do not know the mind set of those to whom it concerns as individuals, but I do see this taking place at this time on mass within certain religions those of which I have identified previously.

Direct and indirect divine intervention is the way, and no one can stop it not even any government or culture religion or any body of leaders of such a people who are not happy with the changes. Why am I saying this, why am I making such a statement? Because I hate the violence of our history, of today and that which will be of the future, that which has killed maimed or forced people to be over taken by those who wish to build an empire upon other peoples back by force.

NO EMPIRE LASTS FOR EVERAnd this I and you know for a fact because history tells us so, and all I want to do is to put people in the picture so that they can save themselves and others from great sufferance, great pain and even death, but I am only Gods (The Nucleus,) messenger. I have not made up any of this information of which I have imparted in these and all of my writings to other people.

I also despise religious in fighting and more so fighting others of a different religion or faith because they are different, there is no place for this kind of behaviour and this is one of the reasons God is at this time and going to in the future implement his direct and indirect divine intervention through any means at his disposal.I have had a very bad time learning the ways of the Divine since the day I was borne some seventy three years ago to date, and as I take stock of my life I can see every step of the way as the nucleus took me onto my journey and placed massive obstructions in front of me gradually moulding me into shape so that I could not be as successful in all of my aspirations onto the level I so desired as he steered me into progressing to where I am now.

But it is not just religions fighting each other and within themselves that I hate, it is all aspects of violence, even though I am not a pacifist I am not allowed by God to defend myself in many situations which are too many to include within, gladly the nucleus provides me with his protection when ever it is needed, and his protection keeps me away usually from people of disrepute and even righteous people who do not like that which God has to say to them through myself, just as they have done to others of history who brought Gods words to them and they change it to please themselves ECT, just as they do today because even though they realise that as each generation is being born God has to accommodate them and make changes which are necessary to he and them.

And when I inform the people of this they display not only their ignorance but also their arrogance by saying “Prophets come a pointing the finger” so What was Jesus and others doing when he and they informed the people to change their ways. Just look up in the Bible what Jesus said, and if anyone cannot find it, just go onto the internet and search in this place “WHAT JESUS SAID” and understand why he said it and to who he said it, one might see themselves, need I say more? No I do not think so. Just remember this I do all of this work for God the Nucleus of all and everything and for the sake of humanity even though to some it may not seem so.

Thursday, 6 November 2008


This was channelled to me several years ago and God in all his wisdom had me post and send it to many places throughout the world including on the net, I have seen and continue to see this faith gradually progressing as it makes its presence known and experienced within many people, even though this faith has not been recognised as such by many people it has been experienced by many and will continue to work it's way to those of Gods chosing.

This message will not be welcomed by many people as some readers of this will verify as the truth because they have already experience it. But now it has a title. The Faith Of The Most Divine Spirit. God also told me "Rome was not built in a day" referring to the time it has been and will continue to make itself recognised and experienced.

THE REASON FOR THIS FAITH BEING(copy and paste) this below and hopefully it will take one there.The Dark Side: Its Effect on Humanity > The Good News : May/June 1999

God sent information,

The year two thousand was the beginning of a new era, within this booklet is a short introduction to Gods chosen faith for all people of the future. THE FAITH OF THE MOSTDIVINE SPIRIT. By Kenneth Foster.


I know how difficult it is going to be for most people to accept that this booklet and a greater amount of manuscripts were impressed upon me and continue to be done so by the God of all religion what ever he be named. The reason being God is dissatisfied with the behaviour of the human race on the whole, because of it’s violent history and of the violence of today.

Therefore God in all his wisdom wants all people too know that enough is enough and no amount of love will cause the human race too mend it’s ways for the good of all people, because of this he has decided to take the responsibility away from the people and take matters into his own hands, and sway the people away from all of the degenerate behaviour which is ravaging the human race.

God informed me that he may take away the people’s free will to accomplish this, although he did not say it would be permanent or temporary, but he did say "this is the responsibility of the person or people as I take them to the place I want them to be." This is the reason why God is introducing this faith/religion to the people at this time. It shall be done gradually over many years and many will suffer as and when they attempt too reject that which he is going to bring to them. Someone once said to me "This is going to be like the darktimes of the old testament and the dark times of all other religions borne of history ". God said to me, "if this is so then so shall it be", and he encouraged me rather forcefully to bring this message and many others to the people.

He also said "you do not have to prove anything to anyone, this is not your responsibility, it is mine, therefore I will. The sad thing about this degenerate behaviour of the human race is that the innocent shall also suffer because of the guilty as they always do".

People have to realise Gods love is not the same in many situations like the love people have for one and another, it is more so, but as adults rear their children God does the same with adults, he disciplines them, and when he does so they do not enjoy the experience, which is normal.

But now sit back and understand God’s discipline as he walks amongst the people and displays before them their dark side, more so those who believe they are the righteous ones, fore it is those too whom he will come in the beginning so that he can use them to be righteous more so and be set as an example for the rest.



What is it and how will it be recognised?.This faith is Gods religion, that which supports the foundations of all religion upon the earth, the nucleus if you prefer. all other religion no matter what it names itself is an offshoot of The Faith Of The Most Divine Spirit, (God), but to date it has not been recognised as such because it is unheard of, until now that is.This is the religion everyone is waiting for unknowingly, that which most people will believe is the second coming of the historic prophet of their faith/religion although it is not, because no such thing is going to transpire.

Once the people have been introduced to this, Gods chosen religion for them he will without the help of any person take the people onto the road of following this his religion, this may or may not be a good time. he will work with them by the means of Direct and Indirect Divine Intervention such as they have never experienced before, in many cases he may involve other people in an antagonistic way, not in a loving gentle way most people would expect or pray for, hence Indirect Divine Intervention.


He will use the individual persons own character, dreams, hopes, ambitions, imagination and so on, against and for them so that he will be able to take them to the place he wants them to be.These people will not know what is taking place, they will be confused and unhappy and will not know which way too turn, they will even think they have the devil with them.On the other hand many may think and believe they are a historic prophet of faith, theirs or even some else’s, they will be given promise after promise as God sends to them the Angels from Eternity, these Angels will test them by saying, "You are (prophets name) reborn, you will perform an immaculate healing, you will have a miracle, I will provide you with everything you need so that you can do Gods work", and much more, the people will wait and wait, dream and dream, fantasise and fantasise and nothing will transpire. (ego testing).

Other people will come to them in an attempt to have them reject all of the above, in an attempt to sway them away from that which is taking place, but they will not listen, the reason being, the Angel God sent to them is taking them along this road and will not permit them to break free until God has them at the place he wants them to be.This is the Angel God will send so that the person will gradually be inspired too take a good hard look at themselves, they ought to ask themselves, ",


"am I worthy of such adulation which is being bestowed upon me by Gods messenger, am I such a nice person that I should have the highest of high in eternity working with me?".They ought to tell themselves the truth of what they see within themselves, mostly the dark side upon which ever level it exposes itself unto others, if they are truthful with themselves they will be half way along the road God is taking them, but not until they begin to correct the darkness within themselves, that which God is showing them, and they can see, that which needs changing and being rid of will the torment they are suffering come to an end.

This is the way it is going to be as we go beyond the year two thousand, this is the faith/religion most people are going to find and experience, because this is the way God is going to take the people forward. People all over the world are praying, asking and begging of God for this that and the other, and when he brings it to them most of it is too difficult for them to understand let alone follow, mostly because the information when given by God through some person it is incorrectly interpreted, or the recipients do not like that which is given, on most occasions because they do not like it, or it is too difficult to carry out, or they are too bigot to listen because they believe they have all of the answers.


When God sends all of this information to the people and they reject, and begin to ask in prayer all over again for the same things, he becomes sickened by the arrogance, he informs me through real life experiences, feelings and words that this is all going too change, and these changes are going to be recognised through this faith

God is sick and tired of being a crutch to the every whim of the human being, he desires for the people to learn how too stand on their own two feet, and awaken from their religious stupor, and this is the way he is going to have the people do it, through Direct and Indirect Divine Intervention, private and personally, and via other people, hence Indirect Divine Intervention.I know this may be difficult for some people to believe but I have passed through it, and have experienced all of the godly adulation heaped upon me by the God sent Angel/spirit, call it what you may.

But at the time I rejected it because I knew what I was like, you see, I told myself the truth about myself as God was putting me through my traumatic experiences, but now I am into the light as some people say, and my life is very gradually improving because I am at the place he wants me to be, but I never become complacent because if I did God would make me experience his wrath, and I can argue that when he does it is a terrifying experiences, in other words I get everydaybut I make sure I do not go onto the wrong road.


Many religious and maybe none religious people throughout the world are searching for something, many are hoping and maybe expecting a return of their historic prophet so that he can save them and the world from the dire straits they and it have found themselves in. But their historic prophet is here now, and through him and other channels God is going to give to the people what they want, a second coming, but it is not a second coming of anyone's historic prophet of any religion/faith, it is the coming of the Ultimate God, but he is already here is he not?, of course he is, but on this occasion he is going to make his religion/faith recognised for the first time ever.

Do not expect it to be as you hope for, loving and beautiful, this has been time tested and failed and continues to do so, one of the reasons why is this, God gave to all people their commands as a guide for the betterment of human behaviour towards each individual and all people, religious and those not so and most others have ignored them, and they have ignored most of his messages in just about all other Holy books also, therefore because of this, when God introduces the people to the religion he has now chosen for them it will not be a good time.


When this takes place many people who will be having a bad time will believe they have attracted the Devil. NO, this is not so, this is the power of God displaying before them their dark side, and no amount of praying will free anyone from the torment they are going through, this will continue until they see the light and understand what they must do as God displays before them their dark side.This is the love of God, he teaches through sufferance and now wants the people to know and understand this.Believe me believe me not the choice is yours, accept this Gods booklet/message and through time you will come out of your traumatic experiences, ignore it and your situation will only get worse and you will find yourself going deeper into your own hell.


When God brings to the people the recognising of his religion which is The Faith Of The Most Divine Spirit, and he does this through the experiences of yourself and others, and Direct and Indirect Divine Intervention how and why will this not be a good time?.It will not be a good time. Because of his love for the human being, --


he will be fighting the evil within them via this intervention, and also through the same via other people.The people who will suffer this way, and those who witness this sufferance will think the devil is at work, but yes, this will be so, because the devil within the person suffering will be resisting Gods attempts to rid that person of that which God wants that person too be rid of. This is the devil, but this devil is not an opposite of God, it is simply the character, the bad ways, and the direction this person and these people are going in.

These ways/beliefs may be those which have stood in good stead for many years, yes, roads along which most religions throughout the world have followed since, and before their historic prophet walked the earth, but these are roads which God now decides to obstruct because he is displeased with the direction into which the people are going.Many people all over the world who have followed their beloved religion for generations, those who believe they are righteous, and those who are leaders of such faiths have inside of them on all different levels that which God disapproves of, but everyone knows this to be so, do they or do they not?, of course they all do, and when God in all---


his love and wisdom comes amongst the righteous people to rid them of that which he wants them to be rid of, most if not all of them will resist, and will continue to do so until God decides to let them understand what is taking place, and when this time comes he will give to them the knowledge of how too repent, and as they change their ways and repent the devilish suffering of which they are passing through will gradually diminish.But it may not be that they are doing something wrong, in many cases it will be those who are doing what they believe to be right and Godly who will also suffer, but why?, because God will want them to go into a different direction.

You see, when God comes into them through Direct or Indirect Divine Intervention and causes waves in their past tried tested and approved of ways they will resist will they not?, and as they resist the changes which are being introduced to them, be it forcefully they will not like it, and this is what many people will believe are the Angels of heaven and the Demons of hell going to war as mentioned in holy books.Not so, it is upon the Earth amongst men and women, children and God between whom this battle is and will continue too ensue, and in this it will not be a good time, do not believe me if you do not want too, just wait and see. How do I know? because all of that which is written within came to me from God.


The Faith Of The Most Divine Spirit is Gods religion, and when he brings this to the people it will be personal to them, meaning, no organised group of people will be permitted to infringe upon this personal religion. There will not be any man/woman made rules as to how this religion will be practised accepted and executed. There will not be any religious pictures or statues as a centre of worship, too represent God as many say. There will not be any services as in the worshipping of God. There will be quiet meditation as one communicates with God individually on a private and personal level, but people will congregate so that they may be a family of God who’s doors will always be open, and then as these people congregate they will communicate with God in silence.

No religious or political establishment will come between the individual and God with rules and regulations because this religion is personal between the individual person and God.No one will ask for money so that others can be of this faith, but if people desire a meeting place the responsibility rests with themselves to finance such. No one will be paid to run or organise such a place.If this God given command is ignored, the place will be destroyed too the ground by the commands of God through which ever channel he decides to use, and it may be through the dark side of other people.


"This nucleus, underlying faith/religion will be the only way world peace will become a reality, and it begins with each individual in the opposite way as does war, which as everyone knows is in the exposing of ones dark side on every level, instead of bringing peace and harmony by exposing ones light side on the highest level possible for the sake of, and the goodness of humanity to each individual and all of humanity on the whole. This begins in the home and continues up the ladder of spiritual development right to the very head of the human echelon, the government of each individual and every nation.

This spiritual harmony I seek will never be fully implemented by humanity because of all of it’s failings, because they/you do not have the resolve to carry this out and be permanent, and this is the reason why, "I AM" God, descends unto the people and will take the responsibility away and into my hands, and I tell you "It will not be a good time". "Even though I declare everyone of religion/faith will continue within their chosen religion/faith, I will continue to have the winds of change fulminate more so through them as we continue through this millennium, and the more I am rejected the more powerful will these winds of change do so.If you do not believe me look around you and see it taking place for yourselves, if you cannot see it I will continue until you can."



"To those who believe in God I have work for you. When you take my word to the none believer and they reject my existence, I direct you to offer them my challenge so that they can prove to themselves I exist, even though they may say "why has he sent you too give me this challenge and why could he not give it to me himself?". The answer is simple. The none believer will argue and deny my existence to themselves and other people, therefore it will be through other people directed by I, and Direct and Indirect Divine Intervention I will come too them".

"None believer if you are as honest and strong enough within yourself about yourself as you yourself think you are, and are as you would have others believe, then I challenge you to ask me too prove to you I exist in the following manner"."Take yourself too a place of solitude, sit alone quietly and be certain you will not be disturbed, and then as forcefully and determined as you reject me, but with as much vigour as you can muster, ask me to prove to you I exist, but mean it. If you do not mean it then I will ignore you and look upon you as weak, and I will know you are afraid of me and do not in all honesty want to prove for yourself whether I do or do not exist".


"Further ask me "God will you come too me and prove that you exist and in doing so will you please show me myself as you see me, and then, will you show me how to change that which is within me, that which you know needs changing or getting rid of so that I can go to the place you want me to be, I accept it is no one else's responsibility to prove to me whether you exist or not because they cannot, and I cannot prove to anyone that you do not exist, this responsibility is yours and mine only". END.


"I say unto you" "take yourself to a place of solitude, sit alone quietly and be certain you will not be disturbed, and then as vigorously as you pray when you ask me to do for you and others that which you cannot do for yourself and they themselves, ask me to show you yourself as you really are, as I see you, but mean it with all your heart, then I will come to you and do this, and then ask me to help you change or be rid of that which I see needs changing or being rid of so that I can take you too the place I want you to be". "This is my challenge too you, and by accepting my challenge you will prove too yourself how strong honest and righteous you are".END



"People of every faith/religion you have only your holy book as a guide as too what I demand for you and of you. Now I come to you through Direct and Indirect Divine Intervention so that I can take you forward and beyond these writings, more so on a personal level so that, that which I desire for you will not be contaminated in anyway whatsoever by anyone or any writings.

If you truly desire to be as I desire, and those who already claim to be this way wish to be purified personally by I your God, and become of I and as you desire and receive my approval, all you have to do is follow my guidelines which will prove to you that I do answer many prayers"."Dear God, or use your chosen name for your God, will you come too me and display before me the truth about myself as you see me as a person of faith/religion, I claim I have the desire to be more advanced within my faith/religion Will you display before me on a personal and private level how I can become this way taught by you personally and directly as you desire me to be. I promise I will follow your every command so that I will attain the level of spirituality you desire for me".

------------------Gods blessing always

Monday, 3 November 2008


This was one of the most powerful communications which was channelled to me when my spiritual journey began.


My wife and I were sitting on the metro train going home after a short visit to town. I was just sitting there looking out of the window with nothing special on my mind, when all of a sudden I heard a loud stern voice. It said to me, "I wish to converse with you when you come to your journey's end." I looked around me, but no one was paying any attention to me. I told my wife what I had heard and she said, "Who was it?" I said I didn't know. She said, "Well, ask." So in my mind I said, "Who are you?" and the loud reply came to me: "God." I laughed and told my wife what was said. We were both amazed at this because neither of us are religious.

When we got home, we had a coffee and a sandwich. As I finished mine, I began to have a very powerful feeling on my temples, and then I had a very tingling sensation around my mouth. I sat back in my chair and let this feeling take over. I had words placed into my mind in sentences, and as they came to me I spoke them to my wife. This lasted for about an hour and I was given and spoke a most wonderful spiritual sermon. Sadly, I cannot now recall what was said because it was approximately 1989/90 but since that day my sixth sense developed, and then I was taken on a spiritual journey, which took me among righteous people which showed me their dark side. From this a book was born, which is titled "Most Divine Spirit - a walk through the dark side of humanity, introducing to the world Gods faith which is The Faith Of The Most Divine Spirit" - a faith which will not come unto the people until well into our future. This book is locked away in a safe place just waiting to be made public when I am so directed by the being which claims to be God.

21/9/08, Now it can be seen that God has had me inform the people of some of the Faith Of The Most Divine Spirit, this being the future God talked about in the above preface, well it is because this meeting God On The train took place some nineteen years or so ago. Some of the sermons I have now realised are included in my previous writings which at this time have not been made public, but I have moved on since then and have decided to inform people on the internet and other places of some of the God given information some of which I will include within. Believe me Believe me not but it's all in Gods hands.